Day 4 of operation-living-room
Day 4 of operation-living-room and I’m fed up! Above is the level of sophistication we were going for - the vision - the motivation, if you like. Below is the reality of the situation...

Well I should of known better. So far we’ve had the electrician Monday, plasterer Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and and due to “unforeseen circumstances” (aka an apprentice plasterer distracted by his mobile phone while hacking off plaster near a water pipe), an unscheduled visit from the plumber Wednesday and Thursday. Then to top it all off, because of all this the plaster is still too wet for the painter so they now won’t be back again until Monday.

Alas, it’s probably for the best we’ve got an extra weekend. I mean, firstly we can’t seem to get blinds any where! Seriously we’re not looking for anything out of the ordinary. 140cm wide wooden, venetian blinds in light and dark grey. I’m not sure if I’ve missed some new trend or something but no one has any in stock. B&Q, Dunelm, Argos, The Range - nothing! We even started going to “clutching at straws” shops, you know on the off chance - TK max, Wilko’s , B and M, Starbucks (seriously the wife’s got me cutting out caffeine I needed a pick me up) and still no joy.
So we now have the weekend to explore further afield (although, let's be honest, we'll probably end up getting the ones from argos that were just a little bit too expensive). We also have yet to decide on a paint colour - who knew there where soo many shades of grey? and yes, there are more than 50 and my wife and I have contemplated each and everyone of them over the last month, we’re experts on all things grey, yet still we have no paint. So this weekend will be spent enetertaining friends in the local pub and shopping for blinds and paint, all whist complaining to each other that the builders should be making up for lost time at our convenience.
Wish us luck!
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