Christmas with the Quinn’s part 4
No man's land
You know that part between Christmas and new year, where your not sure what day if the week it is and you find yourself contemplating whether the cold pigs in blankets that are still in the fridge from Xmas day will be ok to eat for breakfast? For me I’m usually dragged back into the land of the living by the 29th as it’s my little sisters birthday and as a family we like to use it as an excuse to put Christmas slobbery behind us, put on our glad rags and go for a nice (non turkey related) meal - usually a Chinese or curry.
This year the 29th started as it always does, the last of the pigs in blankets for breakfast washed down with half a selection box, then the last of the cheeseboard turned into cheese on toast for lunch, followed by the rest of the celebrations tub. Then it’s upstairs for a nap, followed by a long bath before getting ready for the birthday meal.
As we headed upstairs for our afternoon post-Christmas-pre-new-year snooze, my wife suggested I quickly try on what I was planning to wear... half an hour later, I was stood in the the walk-in wardrobe in nothing but a bra and fat pants flapping my arms in despair because nothing fit me - I couldn't even seem to do-up the top button of my Sunday dinner jeans! What the hell was going on!

After another half an hour of flapping around the wardrobe, I realised that my gym leggings still fit me! Gym leggings give! I quickly realised the issue in this otherwise perfect plan - I point-blank refuse to be one of those people who walks around in active wear for the sake of it. Active wear is for the gym. It is not casual wear! However, after careful consideration, I reasoned that it was perfectly acceptable to go shopping on your way home from the gym - as though your just cramming the shopping into your very busy schedule after your workout! I also reasoned that I was not in the right frame of mind to go to the gym today and that would just be a bit ridiculous. To go and workout for an hour as the only clothes that fit you where your active wear so you could then casually call in at Next on the way home to pick up a new pair of jeans 1 size up was ludicrous... So I did what any self-respecting, slightly-over-weight-from-Christmas woman would do, I donned full gym attire including trainers and sports bra (my ever sympathetic wife did the same), filled 2 shaker bottles with chocolate milk to make it look like a protein shake and drove to Next with the heaters on the car turned up to maximum!
So there we were, in Next, red faced and sweaty in our active wear sipping on our 'protein shakes' looking for jeans that would pull over my ever-growing Christmas bump.
I even bumped into an old school friend, but instead of hiding behind the bulging sales racks, I allowed her to tell me how much she’d over-indulged this Christmas before I smuggley proclaimed we’d just come from the gym and thought we’d swing by the sale on the way home as I’ve gone down another jean size! Win!
Needless to say the jeans a size-up weren’t in the sale, so now I’ve paid full-price I feel invested in my new size jeans. I need to get my money worth, so I’ll be leaving the diet alone for a while longer.
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